Kealy-Morris, E. (2023), '"The American Look': Memories of not fitting in', in Slater, A., Atkin, S. and Kealy-Morris, E. (eds.), Memories of Dress: Recollections of material identities, London: Bloomsbury Press, 157-74.
Slater, A., Atkin, S. and Kealy-Morris, E. (eds.) (2023), Memories of Dress: Recollection of material identities, London: Bloomsbury Press.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2018). 'The Shift Dress as Cultural Meaning'. Culture Costume and Dress: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 10-12 May 2017. Anne Boultwood and Sian Hindle (Eds). Pages 122-31. Gold Word Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-909379-26-8. Access to free download:
Kealy-Morris, E. (2015), 'The Bookbinding Workshop: Making as collaborative pedagogic practice', The Journal of Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education. 14(2), 119-29.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2013), 'The Artist Book: Making as Visual Method', Writing in Creative PracticeJournal, 6(2), December.), 247-275.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2011), In: Art & Design Staff Portfolio Edition (250). Cian Quayle & Mireille Fauchon eds., Chester: University of Chester.
Forthcoming Publications
Gupta, S., Kealy-Morris, E., Srivastava, I. (2024a), 'The Global Artisan Project: A collaborative, co-creation project connecting fashion undergraduates and Indian artisans', in Scott, K. (ed.), The Future of International Fashion and Design Education, London: Routledge.
Perry, P., Neary, R., Scott, K., Kealy-Morris, E. (2024b), 'International Collaborative Project Framework for COIL in Fashion Education', in Scott, K. (ed.), The Future of International Fashion and Design Education, London: Routledge.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2024c), 'The Meaning of the Mask: Mask refusal and ambivalent social identity in COVID America', in Walls, S. (ed.) Fashion Futures, London: Intellect.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2024d), 'The Allure of the Luxury Fashion Brand Publication: Consuming the fashion product as media',in Barnes, L. and Armstrong, K. (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Digital Fashion Marketing, London: Palgrave Publishing.
Conference Papers (selection)
Perry, P., Neary, R., Scott, K., Kealy-Morris, E. (2023), 'International Collaborative Project Framework for COIL in Fashion Education', conference paper, 14 June, Learning Enhancement and Educational Development Conference, Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2022), '"The American Look": The transformation of women’s sportswear in 1930s and 1940s America', conference paper, Fashioning the Body for Sport and Leisure: A History of Dress and Textiles, 30 September, Association of Dress Historians, Courtauld Institute of Art, London.
Gupta, S., Kealy-Morris, E., Srivastava, I. (2022), 'The Global Artisan Project: A collaborative, co-creation project connecting fashion undergraduates and Indian artisans', conference paper, The Future of International Fashion and Design Education, Istituto Marangoni, online.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2021), 'Who is the Sick One Here?: Mask refusal and ambivalent social identity in COVID America', conference paper, Face Off: The provocation and possibilities of masks and head coverings, 13-14 January, Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, online,
Kealy-Morris, E. (2017). 'The Shift Dress as Cultural Meaning'. Conference Paper. Culture, Costume and Dress Conference. Birmingham, United Kingdom: Birmingham City University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2016). 'A Walk of Twenty Steps: The return of the girl with the crooked spine from an upstanding town'. Conference Paper. College Book Arts Association National Conference. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2015). 'The Persistence of Memory'. Conference Paper. The International Journal of Art & Design Annual Conference. Glasgow, United Kingdom: Glasgow School of Art.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2015). 'The Bookbinding Workshop: Making as collaborative pedagogic practice'. Conference paper. Group for Learning in Art & Design Annual Conference. Sheffield, United Kingdom: Sheffield-Hallum University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2014). 'The Bookbinding Workshop: Making as collaborative pedagogical practice'. Conference paper. International Journal of Art and Design Education Annual Conference. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Tate Liverpool.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2012). 'The Artist Book: Making as Visual Method'. Conference Paper. International Journal of Art and Design Education Annual Conference. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Liverpool John Moores University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2011). 'Remembering a Destroyed Place: Interdisciplinary collaborative practice as research method.'Conference Poster Presentation. Pairings: Conversations, Collaborations, Materials. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester Metropolitan University.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2010). 'Remembering a Destroyed Place: Oral history as visual practice'. Conference Poster Presentation. [Record] [Create]: Oral History in Art, Craft and Design. Oral History Society Annual Conference. London, United Kingdom: Victoria and Albert Museum.
Kealy-Morris, E. (2009) Mapping Memory: Representing memories of a destroyed place. Conference Poster Presentation. The Association of Art Historians Annual Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester Metropolitan University.